Drachenfels RolePlayer List (134)

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Character Name*
Guild Name
72 9888525 Acromion - Mage
87 67672794 Ahrend - Young Warrior?
68 6309255 Aimar Warrior and generally nice person.
76 0 Arwen - Swordsman/healer
25 971458 Beleg Cuthalion - Archer
38 58094145 Cedrion Katar - Mage
26 49559663 Cirdan - Paladin
70 38237646 Crest - Mage
107 4006661 Dusty MaGueRe - archer/mage....always looking for good companionship!!!
133 78758787 Elwyn al'Delyn - Grey Elven Knight travelling Britannia
14 0 Gal T`Schar - Female fighter for right and order.
45 0 Gavin - Warrior
58 5920125 Isgrimnur - Blacksmith
62 8908054 Janathan Bereth - Warrior and Healer.
124 13908844 Jax Lightblade - Swordsman and general rescuer of damsels in distress
65 0 Jerry - Ranger
82 7060062 Joella the Guard - Rogue, not thief
44 0 King Kham - Warrior
31 12504469 Lan - Ranger
122 8849246 Linus - Paladin
73 0 Malik - Traveler w/ skills to bypass pesky treasure chest locks :)
126 38475675 Miss Shiva Mage
34 54443605 Perrin Aryaba Warrior/treasure hunter
109 55052681 Rakarth - Arch Mage of Evil
71 35067825 Reianna - Forest Girl
40 15258135 Rock - I mine, I fight, and I drink. What more is there to do?
37 52812020 Sambolc - War Mage
104 6752282 Siebenblatt - Poor and ordinary Illusionist
86 64889895 Tjara - Just a child, has not chosen a path yet.
116 20675342 Tomas Cook Smith, tinker, alchemist and assassin.
85 0 Valkhedor - freeminded, independent pure Warrior
123 69792114 william W _D_ gm warrior hopeful for Lord
49 38447169 Holden Caulfield ARF Rogues Faculty Was thief but now more of a rogue/fencer
132 31462554 Talen - Available for recruitment A blacksmithing warriror that often mines.
78 0 Stilgar Blackstar SaKhan of Clan Blackstar
30 42113418 Redwood Brotherhood of Blood and Honso I am the Senatsvorsitzender from the BBH
32 40614763 Fabulon Brotherhood of Darkness Elvish knight from the fairy realm
11 9582650 DooMan Brotherhood of Doom (B*D) Guildmaster of the Brotherhood of Doom (B*D) To serve and protect !
42 9159711 Lord Adrycks Catalytic Virtues [C*V] Grand Lord
96 42672710 Viper and Blade Catalytic Virtues [C*V] Viper : Warrior Blade: GrandMaster Mage
106 36126334 Lexor of Cirrus Chamber of Warriors Grandmaster Ranger; Councilor CoW
99 0 Tanya Ironfist Chamber of Warriors Warrior and Healer, High Priestess and Counsellor
79 49712386 Geo-Solo Children Of The Night Guild weapons trainer
94 0 Arolilja Church of Hysteresis Pure Warrior and Fishergirl
3 49944694 Belmakor Church of Hysteresis Wandering Healer and merry Shopkeeper
18 47430876 Grand Bishop Benedict Church of Hysteresis Bishop
0 35342405 Ruth Slade Church of Hysteresis Amazon
6 0 Max Wulf Clan Wulf Wulflord of Clan Wulf Upholds the moto 'For honor and Friendship'
9 19016507 New Frarc Clan Wulf Follower of the Virtues Warrior against evil
95 37776139 Raven Clan Wulf Mage/Fighter
127 74281781 Silwer Fah Council -Guardians of Yew ( Co Diplomat of the Council and the Guardians of Yew
64 56352396 Lone Wolf Crazy Italian Wizard Treasore Hunter
57 398537 Amalia Jeffries Dark Wolf Gypsies Warrior
101 39255836 Rasha Ayla Dark Wolf Gypsies Female Alpha Leader of the Dark Wolf Gypsies, Tavern in Valendor, "Sea trader extrodinare", Business
81 50096855 Drizzt Darklight Warrior Mage and Guildmaster
23 33661824 Stronghold Die Wilde 13 Craftsman in all type, makes all kind of House Add-ons like Anvil, Forge, Loom, Wheel and Oven. Also
100 63830800 Forest - Disciples of Black Jack Casino owner
80 10184664 Shivan Dragon Dragon Clan Tavernkeeper and Cook :)
17 25554288 Tedger - Dragonlight fanclub City Engineer
130 67428301 Delvar Ironfist DWF Fulltime Dwarf!
98 55052681 DragonLancer Eldar Dragon Legends warrior and mage
77 0 Matthais Enlightened Order of the Virtu High Paladin
7 20675342 Jafar McFinnan Founder of Jafar's Guard Mage, Member of the Mage Tower
92 56814223 Death - Four Horsemen of the Apocalyps Warrior/Swordsman
120 628494 Dechant Cabaille Gilde des Handwerks und des Ha Bowyer and merchant
74 0 Skaun - Goldfish Fisherman and archer
16 63161881 Ross Great Srdolch Merchants Healer/Fighter
56 3061956 Kalhas - Greek Treasure Seekers Tamer
35 52532392 Duke of Trinsic Guardians of Destiny Warrior and guardian of Trinsic
8 54331086 Ulfgaard - GWM Mercenary for Hire Guildmaster of GWM Mercenary for Hire
103 0 Carea Niiven Heirs of the Moon Priestess of the Moon - Healer and Bard
115 54313528 Chaos Da Sod High Templar's Guildmaster and 1 of the leaders of Templar's (MAGE)
102 16628326 Kara Illuminati of Twylight GM Warrior "Struggling" Mage
121 16567275 Rabin Siggursson Illuminati of Twylight Warrior and Bowyer, Slayer of Undead.
19 0 Drachenfels - Keeper of Secrets Dread Lord, Evil Mage
105 49568534 Lord Malchir Knights of Vengenace Guildmaster
59 0 Lavinia Knight's Order of the Silver S Mage and Lockpicking/Trap Expert
29 67943194 Aires Grünfeld Knights Order of the silver Se Real Bard (today 56 songs) if invited will play on all events
60 62133491 Talon Knights Order of the Silver Se Warrior of Virtues
69 5895136 Gavin - Legion of Liberty Blacksmith, Mage
93 0 Casanova - Lightbringers GM Smith, Master Tinker, Master Miner
67 24930149 Raknar Merchants on Tour Adventurer & Merchant
63 0 Lemurian (MTB) Miliz vom Tempel des Baphomet Warrior GM :-)
22 58676081 N'Grail Monopolizers second gm and gm warrior
48 41750958 Dinnin Bre`Daath Mystic Knights of Justice Drow Master Warrior
66 0 RJ civil mystical knights of justice guildmaster
88 0 Par Salain - Mystical Knights of Justice Pure and almost complete mage
112 25554288 Topelius - Northern League of Traders Lumberjack, Ranger and Guildmaster
51 6003246 Cederic Damien Orden des Lichtes Guildmaster OdL, Fisherman
118 65329184 Maniac - Order of the Damned Warrior
50 39429121 Elethian/T-Rex OSG Fighter-healer/Treasurehunter
90 0 Seer Adhemar OSI Story Smith
10 0 Diogenes Panem et Circenses (PeC) Bard, Mage, Scribe
41 8451610 Dango Pantheon of the Gods [PoG] Paladin
113 37905116 Casih - Red is Dead (not rpg guild) Warrior and Healer
28 35982185 Elrond - Ritter des Codex Swordsman
43 7192876 Fischerking Ritter ex Codex archer fischer
114 51412525 Nightshade - RTF warrior mage
83 7060062 lance - Sean Richardson mage
33 8902467 Landar shades of grey Seeker of Adventure, righter of wrongs.
53 58874019 Scully Shadows at Moonglow Warrior-Mage Guildmistress
89 41850985 Charlie - sixty-nine Town Drunk
21 33491794 Jocker SOT Mage
128 38803758 Joxer The Mighty Storm Leader Runner/hider/recaller and guildmaster
91 16523838 Carlo The Brotherhood of Darkness Paladin
55 0 Ariennye Sienae - The Children of the spring Female Expert Carpenter, who is training to have a shop with House-Add-ons. Always fighting for law
108 17096409 OsirusTheChemist - The Council Assassin
54 0 Silvenblade The Drachenfells Mage Tower Warriow
111 0 Ace Card The Drachenfels Mage Tower Tower Swashbuckler- Part time pirate, fisher, and rabble rouser
110 19231074 Dark Nexus The Drachenfels Mage Tower Elder Druid of the Mid-Night Moon ( Mage )
24 61219428 Julieanne The Drachenfels Mage Tower Mage of the Tower (DMT)
13 972246 Lord HellSpawn The Drachenfels Mage Tower Keeper of the Stone (DMT)
75 61219428 Maria von Trapp The Drachenfels Mage Tower Tower Guard (DMT)
97 69166769 ScrollMan The Drachenfels Mage Tower Mage/Expert Scribe
131 44985517 Arrowthorn - The Elven Federation Ranger
129 46855786 Kataira Astoria - The Elven Federation Sorcerous
84 710798 Baal-Draco The Fallen Temple of the Damne Vampire Lord, Guildmaster
1 5455145 Liron the Damned *D* The Fallen Temple of the Damne The Damned are *D*,_D_,-D-
36 21211178 Delorion The Knights Order of the Silve Warrior and Grandmaster of the Knights Order
119 69761954 Thanatos The Legion of Dynamic Discord Warrior and Guildmaster
52 60193301 Dealer Of Fate The Realm Of Chaos ROC Warrior/Guildmaster (&Trainer)
5 0 Bilbo - - The Rogues Network Good spirited and highly amusing rogue, if you need a information, se bilbo!!
2 26103657 Silk The Society of Thieves and Rog Thief Guildmaster
27 65662896 Morpheus Thieves and Rogues Thief
61 39302341 Finsbury ToL Mage and spiritualist
12 49944694 Bel d'Ajoor UOSS UOSS Drachenfels Reporter
4 45715733 Tyr Nexus - UTB Drachenfels Ranger
117 34686480 Srdolch Valendorian Merchants Merchant
39 5372625 Olaf Tormandsen - Vikings From The North Warrior/Guildmaster
125 51761611 Uroburus von Gol VoD,Vulture of Destruction Warrior, Blutskrieger
20 53146332 Terran - Warriors of Ugly Beast Warrior
15 20014703 Abaris - Wilde 13 Mage
47 7148496 Azalan Wilde 13 Grandmaster Bard
46 42231121 Argor Townsend Yew Crime Syndicate thief
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Drachenfels Role Player List

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